Author Interview Series:
Bettina Schuller

I am thrilled to share some very practical wisdom from Bettina Schuller, author of This is Living!

I think you’ll enjoy her notion of the importance of practicing mini praying pauses throughout the day, just by breathing.

Enjoy the “email interview” we did below.

What does your own prayer and meditation look like?

I  meditate every day for about 20 min and I take regular breathing/praying breaks during the day. I become conscious of my breathing and take three deep breaths knowing that God is breathing within me. I am immediately calm and present. 

If I’m working on an intense project, I set a timer for every 20 min, take three deep breaths and continue my work with inspiration and calm. I experience the short prayer breaks as a continuation of my Centering Prayer time. 

I also pray while I walk and watch the sunrise, which is a beautiful meditation on God’s creation. 

What is the value of slowing down and practicing pause throughout your day?

When we take a conscious pause and become aware of our breathing, we come into the present moment and the Presence of God. If we practice several of these breathing pauses a day, our day becomes more peaceful and productive. Most of all, we connect deeply with God and, after a while, we learn how to live in the presence of God, as Brother Lawrence so beautifully shared. This way of living has many physical, mental and emotional health benefits. We are truly alive in the vibrant present moment.

What advice do you have for someone starting on the contemplative path?

Start slowly and be committed! Choose a prayer practice that works for you. If you love walking, walk and pray. If you love yoga, do yoga and pray. If you love sitting in silence, sit in silence and pray. 

Then add a contemplative prayer practice to your day that is totally dedicated to praying.  Assess your day honestly about what is possible for you.

Figure out when is the best time during your day to dedicate time for prayer. If you can only do 5 minutes a day, start with five minutes, rather than setting your goal at twenty minutes and abandoning the habit because you can’t find the time.

I highly recommend a prayer group, whether in person or on zoom. It helps tremendously to have a support group while practicing a new prayer.

Tell me about your writing. What compels you to write?

I have been journaling ever since I can remember. Writing is a way to sort out my thoughts, emotions, and dig deeper into my being. When I write in a stream of consciousness (not setting my pen down at all but write whatever comes,) insights come that I would not have had otherwise. I feel a divine flow in this type of writing. 

I also write to share my deep faith in God. I wrote Breath Prayers for my friends and it helped them so much in their daily life that they encouraged me to write a book.

What does it mean to you to be open-minded about faith and spirituality?

 We are all ONE! Even if we choose different spiritual paths, we are all connected through an energy we may call different names. Whether it is Higher Power, God, Creator, Divine, Allah, Love or Being, it is ONE LOVE.

It’s like the ocean and the waves. We are the waves and God is the ocean and it doesn’t matter what we call the ocean, it is still the same body of water. I respect all people and all faiths that are striving to live a peaceful and Divine life.

What does your current work look like?

I am a Spiritual Director and help people on their spiritual path. I am also a spiritual life coach which has a different emphasis for the client. You can learn more at if you are interested in a spiritual companion or coach.

I am in the process of publishing my second book, which will be pocket-sized with 40 short Breath Prayers. Another project I am working on is recording 21 short Breath Prayers that will be available on my website. I also publish a newsletter every week with prayers and other meaningful content. I just retired from my day job as Lifelong Learning Director of a retirement center, so my work as a spiritual director and writer is just starting up again.

I love writing my Breath Prayer posts on Facebook and Instagram. They help seekers to stay peaceful and connected through this trying time. Helping people on their spiritual paths is my calling in life.

Where can people find you?

You can learn more about Bettina Schuller’s work on my website and Instagram.

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Mary Ann Haefner
Mary Ann Haefner
3 years ago

Keith….Thank you so much for sending . A beautiful perspective……and practice…..seems so “do-able”

Bettina Schuller
2 years ago

Thank you Mary Ann! I am happy to hear it is helpful!
Much appreciation,

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