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Naked Body, Naked Being

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – November 15, 2023

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Praying for Others with Julian of Norwich

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – November 8, 2023

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Sinking into I AM

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – November 1, 2023

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Storms of Life; Roots in God

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – October 11, 2023

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Beyond Mind into the Heart of Being

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – October 4, 2023

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A Meditation on Stillness

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – September 20, 2023

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I Am Here Now

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – September 13, 2023

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You Are a Twig on the Tree of God

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – September 6, 2023

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Resting as Being

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – August 30, 2023

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God's Is-ness, Your Am-ness

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – August 23, 2023

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Returning to I Am

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – July 26, 2023

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A Meditation on I Am

Guided Meditation with Keith Kristich – July 19, 2023

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Opening to Divine Love

This meditation will help you experience the infinite field of God’s divine love, and then extend this ever-present love to others. Living out of this divine love that lies at your innermost core will transform both yourself and your world. You will learn how to remain centered in this love – the love that sustains you in the midst of all things. In turn, this will empower you to extend this love to others in whatever circumstances you find yourself.

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Doorway to the Inner Room

In Matthew 6:6, Jesus taught us how to pray contemplatively; he said, “When you pray, go into your inner room, shut the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret.”  And so in keeping with these instructions, this guided meditation is designed to help you enter into that inner room – into your heart of hearts at your innermost spiritual core – where you can be still in the presence of God.

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Finding Stillness

This meditation will provide you with a way to move beneath and beyond the worries and anxiety that we often face in our daily lives. It will help you to find the stillness and peace at your innermost core where you are always at one with God in love.

Practicing this meditation will teach you how to free yourself from incessant, over-active thoughts –  to pause from the busy-ness of your daily life and to find your innermost stillness and peace. You will learn how to access your inner calm, even in the midst of chaos.  Living our lives from this place of love, peace and stillness transforms both ourselves and the world.

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Loving Kindness
This is an open-heart meditation – often called a “loving-kindness” meditation. It is designed to awaken our hearts so that we can open to the fullness and goodness of divine Love as it flows into and through us, bringing with it gratefulness, compassion, forgiveness, and well-being on all levels. 
We practice this open-heartedness – this loving-kindness – not only for our own inner peace and freedom, but also for the way that it allows this divine Love to ripple out and touch everything and everyone in our lives. And like all meditation, the more we practice it, the more powerful its effect on us and on our environment.
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Experiencing Divine Love

Our focus for this meditation is Love.  Not the human kind of love that’s associated with a particular person or circumstance or outcome, but the much deeper, spiritual Divine Love that exists deep within us, at our innermost core.   When we learn how to connect with this innermost Divine Love,  and especially when we begin to live from this center of Love, it ripples out into our lives, touching others and sparking the Divine love that lives deep within them too – in their innermost heart-of-hearts.

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Letting God Breathe You

In this guided meditation, we’ll focus on being still in the Presence of God. This will teach you how to pause from the many activities of your daily life and to let go into the vast, underlying Reality of Divine Presence. Traditionally, it’s held that the name of God is unpronounceable, unutterable – that the name of God is actually the sound of the breath.  And so with each breath, you are affirming God – it’s a way of worshipping God.  What a beautiful and profound truth.

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Opening to God's Divine Love

This meditation will help connect you with the deep longing for love that we all carry at our innermost core. And while we typically look to others – other people and things outside of ourselves – to fill that longing, this meditation allows us to get a sense of how that longing can only ultimately be filled with the infinite source of God’s divine Love.

This Love is always with us; it is the true Source of our longing. And when we connect with this Source of Love within our spiritual heart of hearts, we move from a deep sense of lack to one of being filled with God’s infinite Love. We become whole and holy, able to radiate this divine Love out into the lives of others – out into the world.

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Experiencing God's Presence

Perhaps you’ve never really experienced God’s divine Presence tangibly, and for those who have, then maybe you are simply yearning for more. We all are!  After all, once we get a taste of our Indwelling Source, we tend to want to go further and further along this spiritual path – leaning in deeper and deeper to the unique and beautiful ways that God is communicating with us in each and every moment. And so this meditation will serve to lead you right in to God’s Presence.

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Clearing the Egoic Field

We often feel stuck – trapped in our ego’s limitations. All of our ego’s perceptions, opinions, beliefs, values, feeling states, worries, projects, relationships, judgments, etc. – all of this content can be thought of as existing within a thick field that surrounds us and obstructs our True Self. And so when we are trapped in this egoic field, we’re unable to access the wisdom and compassion at the depths of our being – that place at the innermost core of our being where we are one with God. And so this meditation will help you to free your consciousness so that you may begin to be centered in the deepest, truest ground of your being, where you can tap into your boundless Source of unconditional Divine Love, Wisdom and Compassion.

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Awakening from the Spell of Ego

Most of us spend most of our time caught up in the spell of ego – caught up in all its thoughts and emotions, the sensations that rise and fall in our body, and everything that we experience in our outer world. But we don’t very often sense that which is aware of all these things – that ever-present background of wakeful, spacious, pure awareness, often referred to as Ultimate Reality, the Presence of God, and Divine Mystery. This meditation will help you to shift from focusing on the objects of awareness to sensing the infinite awareness itself; in other words, to sensing the Presence of God. In practicing such a shift, you are able to break free from the spell of your ego – you are able to move from a constricted focus in your head to the open spaciousness of Love within your spiritual heart of hearts.

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Openhearted Peace and Love

In this meditation, I offer a very simple, basic practice – one that I do myself a lot – that will lead you in moving out of your busy head and opening to that place within of pure being – your True Self, where you can begin to sense the peace and love that abides in your innermost heart of hearts.

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Spiritual Surrender

Surrender is our willingness to accept and to say “yes” to whatever is happening in the present moment. Surrender is the process of (1) letting go of our desire to control the situation from the limited perspective of our small ego-self and (2) opening to our True Self where we may access God’s love and wisdom. We surrender to God’s guidance so that we are able to respond to any situation with much more love and wisdom. This meditation will give you a taste of this kind of spiritual surrender.

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Being the Ocean

This meditation will help you in opening to the infinite pure awareness out of which all that you experience arises and then returns to. We can’t truly open to the waves of life unless we recognize our “Oceanness” – that formless awareness that is the true source of our Being. So this meditation will lead you through your body, inviting you to discover the spacious Divine presence that exists as the background of all experience. You will learn how to open to the waves of experience while remaining at rest as the infinite ocean, in and with God.

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Transforming Difficult Emotions

This guided meditation will help you to transform the difficult and troubling emotions that arise in your life.  Quite simply, by approaching these intense emotions with loving understanding and compassion, we can transform them and set them free.

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This meditation will help you to develop equanimity – mental calmness, composure, balance, and evenness of temper,  especially in the face of difficult or challenging situations. It will help you to recognize, that in any particular moment,  you have the ability to pause, to become still, to get off the wheel of obsessive, reactive thinking and of racing mindlessly through your day. This meditation will teach you that, in any moment, you can stop, you can breathe, you can let go a little, so that you may enter the next moment with more presence, balance, and clarity – centered in your heart.

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Experiencing Pure, Open Awareness

In this meditation, I’ll lead you in scanning through your body to discover the pure awareness that lies beneath and beyond your everyday thinking mind.  Beyond all your thoughts and experiences, an inner stillness and spaciousness exists, embodied within every cell and atom of your body.  It is a pure awareness at the innermost core of your being, where you are at one with God.  This deep, pure awareness is your True Self – your Essence.  Beyond whatever you’re thinking or feeling or experiencing, you exist as that which is simply aware of those thoughts, emotions, and experiences.  In other words, you are not the objects of awareness; rather, you are the pure, infinite awareness itself.  This deep, pure awareness is the presence of God within you.

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Taking Refuge in Inner Calm

In this meditation, I’d like to emphasize finding your innermost refuge of calm. In times of great stress, it’s crucial that we have ways to quiet our minds, to relax our bodies, and to rest in a calm, steady place of peace. This meditation will guide you in using your breath, relaxing your body, and finding an inner refuge of calm that can carry you through difficult times. I’m going to guide you in a “body scan,” in which you’ll bring your attention to each part of your body, breathing in to each part, and then relaxing that part even more deeply with your outbreath.

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Experiencing God's Presence

This contemplative meditation is based on a beautiful meditation by Liz Wright, international best-selling author and host of the podcast Live Your Best Life. Whether you’ve never really experienced God’s presence tangibly or you’re simply yearning for a closer connection with the Divine, this meditation will lead you right into the heart of Divine Presence.  ​

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Healing with Loving Kindness

This meditation is one that will help you whenever you become irritated or frustrated. When practiced regularly, this meditation has a softening effect on your heart center, allowing you to keep your spiritual “heart valve” open to divine love. After all, with a loving heart supporting and enriching all of your life experiences, everything that you do and encounter will begin to open and flow according to God’s Divine perfection.

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The Silence of Your Being

In this meditation, you will find the ground of your Being, and from this place of pure awareness, you may simply observe everything that is coming and then passing, as you rest in that changeless silence and peace, and love of your infinite Being.

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Being Pure Awareness

This meditation will lead you in connecting more fully with your innermost True Essential Self. Moving past your identification with your ego self – with that aspect of you that is identified with the world of form – and into the vast pure awareness that is the ground of Being: Divine Presence.

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Resting in True Being

This meditation will help you in learning how to let go of distractions and return to your spacious ground of Being – your True Self – pure awareness. So often during the day, our attention is rising up, out of pure awareness, and being directed to an object, whether that’s a thought, an emotion, a sensation or something in our outer world. This meditation will teach you to release this focused attention – to free the attention so that it may rest back, so that it can sink back into the pure awareness of your True Self.

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Today’s meditation is a way of practicing “self-compassion,” where you’ll turn a very open-hearted kindness toward yourself – the kind of compassion that you’re often so able to give to others.  When you do this, it shifts your state – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It relaxes your nervous system, calms your emotions, and opens your mind to new possibilities. And from this more spacious, relaxed place – from this place of pure, spacious, unbounded awareness where you are more open to the love and guidance of God – 

you can respond to yourself and to all of life much more wisely and skillfully.

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Clearing the Egoic Field

This meditation will help you to free your consciousness so that you may begin to stand on the deepest, truest ground of your being, where you can tap into your boundless Source of unconditional Divine Love, Wisdom and Compassion. This is where we begin to “slip the surly bonds” of our egoic field and establish our new home within the Presence of the Divine.  No longer believing ourselves to be separate, we can now live in the Oneness of God.

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Finding Joy

This guided meditation is designed to help you cultivate and experience joy. It will help you learn how to access the joy that abides at your innermost core – the deep joy that is always there regardless of what’s going on in your outer life. And so even when you’re experiencing difficulties, this meditation will teach you how to dip into and be restored by your innermost joy.

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Resting in Pure Awareness

This meditation is designed to help you learn how to rest in the spacious, loving, pure awareness of your True Self at the innermost core of your being, where you are one with God.

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Opening to Divine Love

This meditation will help you to experience the infinite field of divine Love and then extend this ever-present love to others. Living out of this divine love that lies at your innermost core will transform both yourself and your world.

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Cultivating a Grateful Heart

This guided meditation provides an opportunity for you to explore how to cultivate a grateful heart. Becoming a grateful person has very little to do with our outer lives; rather, it’s all about how we relate to our circumstances – from the inside out.  

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Transforming Difficult Emotions

This guided meditation will help you to transform the difficult and troubling emotions that arise in your life.  Quite simply, by approaching these intense emotions with loving understanding and compassion, we can transform them and set them free. 

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Doorway to the Inner Room

This guided meditation is based on Matthew 6:6, where Jesus taught us how to pray contemplatively.  He said:  “When you pray, go into your inner room, shut the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret.”  And so in keeping with that, this meditation will help you to enter into that inner room, into your heart of hearts – at your innermost spiritual core – where you can be still… in the Silent presence of God. 

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Openhearted Peace and Love

In this meditation, I offer a very simple, basic practice – one that I do myself a lot – that will lead you in moving out of your busy head and opening to that place within of pure being – your true self, where you can begin to sense the peace and love that abides in your innermost heart of hearts.  

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Spiritual Surrender

Surrender is our willingness to accept and to say “yes” to whatever is happening. Surrender is the process of letting go of our desire to control the situation. We surrender as soon as we begin to say “yes” to what’s right here, right now, allowing whatever is happening to naturally unfold.  This meditation will give you a taste of this kind of spiritual surrender.

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Dealing with Anxiety and Worry

This guided meditation will assist you with anxiety and worry.  It will move you through three stages:  first, cultivating compassion for what you’re experiencing; second, acceptance of what you’re experiencing; and third, redirection of what you’re experiencing.

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Taking Refuge in Your Inner Calm

In this meditation, I’d like to emphasize finding your innermost refuge of calm. In times of great stress, it’s crucial that we have ways to quiet our minds, to relax our bodies, and to rest in a calm, steady place of peace. This meditation will guide you in using your breath, relaxing your body, and finding an inner refuge of calm that can carry you through difficult times. I’m going to guide you in a “body scan,” in which you’ll bring your attention to each part of your body, breathing in to each part, and then relaxing that part even more deeply with your outbreath.

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