Author Interview Series: Rich Lewis and Centering Prayer

Richard Lewis is the author of a new book on Centering Prayer titled Sitting with God: A Journey to Your True Self through Centering Prayer.

I am currently in the middle of the book now and thoroughly enjoying it.  Rich and I have been working together over the last year or so and am so glad to see his work continue as a teacher of Centering Prayer.
Enjoy the “email interview” we did below- I think you’ll enjoy his thought and work!

How did you first come to Centering Prayer?

I have always been attracted to silence. I just did not know what to do in the silence. I then came across Centering Prayer, in a book by Amos Smith titled, Healing the Divide: Recovering Christianity’s Mystic Roots. I now had a container or practice that I could use in the silence. I have not looked back. I have been practicing Centering Prayer since June 1, 2014. As much as possible I try to practice it twice per day for twenty minutes.

Tell us about your new book, “Sitting With God: A Journey to your True Self Through the Practice of Centering Prayer”

Sitting with God is a book that will help those new to Centering Prayer. It will also help existing practitioners go deeper in their practice. I share how Centering Prayer has healed and transformed me and that it can do the same for others. Centering Prayer has been so life giving and life changing that I feel compelled to share it with others who wish to further explore.

What is the value of Centering Prayer and contemplation in everyday life?

That is what makes it so exciting. The fruits of the practice vary from person to person. We sit with God because we love God and we want to see what will happen. God has other plans and seems to grace us. I have noticed the following fruits: confidence, wisdom for daily tasks, excitement for life, inner calm and peace despite outer chaos, nudges to get out of my comfort zone and try and do new things.

What’s one way you’d suggest some people to deepen their practice?

Come to your practice like a child with curiosity and play. Be kind to yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Do not be so hard on yourself. Forgive yourself. If you miss a sit, just show up for your next sit. Stop trying so hard.

How do you define Contemplative Prayer?

I think of Centering Prayer as both a practice and a relationship with God. With the use of our sacred word we let go of the obstacles between us and God. Contemplative Prayer is sitting in the pure presence of God without any obstacles. Centering Prayer opens us to Contemplative Prayer. We sit with God. We rest in the rest of God. We just be with Being.


Tell us a little bit about your work as a Spiritual Director.

I help others who are new to Centering Prayer to create a long term and sustainable practice. I help them eliminate or neutralize barriers that get in the way of their practice. Together we access the fruits of their practice. I also help existing practitioners go deeper in their practice. Of course in these sessions many other things come up. I help people discover their true self: the person God wishes them to become. Our true self has no end point. It is a wonderful life-long journey.

Thank you Rich for your work in continuing the teaching of Centering Prayer and Spiritual Direction!
Learn more about Rich’s work at his website Silence Teaches.
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